Our Mission Statement
In an increasingly technological world, we are more connected than ever, but with a lack of face-to-face communication, the depth of, especially familial, conversation is decreasing. The rise of genetic ancestry testing companies like 23andMe, shows that people are curious about their backgrounds. Dear Hands aims to satisfy that curiosity and provide a means through which parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends can digitally pass on their stories to the next generation.
My Story
Hi! My name is Tevin Kim, and I am the founder of Dear Hands. In 2018, after my grandpa recovered from organ failure, I was able to learn so much about his life from his experiences growing up (in South Korea) during the Korean War to his experiences as a Korean-American immigrant. However, if he had passed away from organ failure, which was quite possible, the sad truth is that all his stories would have died with him. My most vivid memory from that day was when my grandpa held my hand, and through that moment, I realized both the inattention and importance of people’s hands. Almost every human action is done by the hands, yet they are rarely remembered.
Our Motivation
To preserve and pass-on the world's stories in a simple, welcoming, podcast-like format.
Get Started
Record your own story and share with your loved ones at www.dearhands.org/submissions
Please email us with any questions at dearhandstory@gmail.com